Real Hardwood Flooring – Change Your Entire Room
Real hardwood flooring is beautiful and visually striking. It stands out and can accommodate bold furniture and textures. You can get real hardwood flooring in a variety of woods, types, and stains. The one you choose will depend on your personal tastes and preferences.
Beautiful hardwood floors add value to your home by the thousands of dollars. The three types are strip, plank, and parquet. You can either have someone install the flooring for you or you can do it yourself.
Whether you choose to install the flooring yourself or hire someone, you still need to understand the different types so you can choose the one that will accommodate your budget and household the best. Here is some more information on the different types of real hardwood flooring that will help you make the choice.
Strip Flooring
This type of real hardwood flooring is probably the most popular. They come in strips of set widths and thicknesses. Basically, you can purchase strip flooring in widths ranging from 1 ½ inches to 3 ¼ inches with 2 ¼ inches being the most popular. You can get any type of thickness you want. The thicker it is, the more durable it will be. You must nail the strip floor boards to the sub-floor underneath.
Plank Flooring
Plank flooring is another type of real hardwood flooring. There are only two thicknesses available. These are ½ inch and ¾ inch. However, you aren’t restricted to a set width like you are with strip flooring. You can choose your width depending on your requirements for the project.
However, it must be at least three inches wide. You can either screw or nail it down to the floor underneath. However, if you screw it, you will need to cover the screw holes.
Parquet Flooring
Parquet flooring is a vastly different type of real hardwood flooring than plank or strip floors. These are characterized by their geometric patterns which usually come in block sizes. You can get standard patterns or have parquet flooring specially made. These floors can be beautiful but keep in mind that if you decide to special order, it can get expensive. These also can’t be nailed down. You need to either fasten it with a mechanical fastener or use some kind of adhesive.
Finished or Unfinished
No matter which real hardwood flooring style you choose, you can get it either finished or unfinished. If it is finished, you can lay it down as is. If it is unfinished, you will need to sand it down and finish it before installing it. The best way to look at both types of flooring, is through a hard wood supplier.
Popular Woods
You can find real hardwood flooring in a variety of different wood types, each of which have their own distinct color. Red oak gives a red color to the flooring is probably the most popular flooring wood in the United States. It is stiff and dense and is fairly resistant to typical wear and tear.
Other woods include white oak, birch, hickory, beech, pine, cherry, and Douglas fir. Wood prices do vary so keep this in mind when pricing different products. Also, some woods are more durable than others. Research thoroughly to make sure you choose one that is right for your living space.
If you need help on hardwood floor repair , follow that link for some more information.
Cleaning Real Hardwood Flooring
When cleaning your hardwood flooring, you need to be careful and take your time, or it could end up costing you an arm and a leg to repair it. The very best way to clean hardwood floors varies on the type of hardwood and should be done weekly, if not daily.
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